2005 Epic
Hard to believe but we both made it through relatively glitch free!
Here's the run-down from my point of view (which may or may not be entirely correct depending on who you are!)
Wake up (very slowly). Remove hand discreetly from myself, wonder why I'm awake this early on a Sunday, and remember the nightmare I've gotten myself into (with the help of a certain someone who happens to think I of all people conned her into being here....as if), shower, eat a little, get out of hotel, go for little drive, piss-fart around in carpark of winery trying to get bikes/packs/minds ready for who knows how many hours of hurt. See Ando, laughing at us (on the inside), attempt to jump the starting proceedings like a dickhead, hurry up and wait. Race starts. Oh dear.......what am i doing here?
So off we go up this big hill and already it's obvious that we're probably fitter than some of the dudes here. There's a lot of people struggling and we're just happy to stay behind at this stage because there's some downhill soon that we're not keen on getting run into by others just yet.
Not long after I have my first stack which was really stupid and hurt quite a bit. But I'm so tuff i keep going... Rock!!! Hit my left-knee though which isn't good 'cos i stacked on it at Daisy a few weeks ago. Grrr arrr. And I twisted my right ankle a bit which initially was cool, but came back to haunt me later in the day. About 1 hr later I have another stack in which I attempted to pull a cool mono and fell onto my right side. WOTADIKHEAD! At least there were some people to see it....
Finally we arrive at our first checkpoint and Tam stacks in the shit they put up to try and make you stack in front of people who are official looking. I laugh my guts out while concerned on-lookers try and help. As if....
Bloody hell. The Razorback climb is killer. We do fairly well, riding past a few that are walking then stop for a Gel. Then we walk, then ride and start to get our pace again. First stage was long, but looks like this one will come up in no time. We keep passing the friendly group of riders we've been talking too whenever there's a hill (up) or flat. Thankfully Tam has been kind and hasn't embarrassed me yet. The mighty quads have yet to unleash their fury....But they will
10k's to second checkpoint and we get some fast bitumen downhill with some nice twisty's. Sweet. I resolve to not touch the brakes and get a new top speed of 74km/h. Not bad. Big steep straight bit at the end onto gravel with SES people waving at me to slow down... Not a chance. It's too much fun....
Tam catches up at the bottom and we're onto some flat bitumen for a while. I initially think this is good until I realize that the mighty quads are about to teach me a lesson. Oh dear. So far I've been Ok on the ascents, but this pace on an MTB with a 2.35" front is ridiculous! I fear for my well-being as I try to keep pace but I eventually cry and Tam slows down (only a little though). Bitch.
Checkpoint 2 comes and goes with Mark the legend providing refreshment, ego massage, bike adjustment and food. Top stuff!
Off toward the Duff farm and up until this point I feel fine. Not long after though,the punishment I've just been dished on the highway starts to hurt. Not good. Time for more Gel and blue. Ah, that's better! We continue through what I think is the 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' stage and get to more hills which hurt more and more. Thankfully the mighty quads are feeling it too. We eventually get to checkpoint 3 and feel a sigh of relief as we realize we're nearly there. Not yet though.
The mighty quads have revived and start to cause me more pain on the road again. It's only a short stretch, but it's a constant struggle to keep pace. GRRRRARRRR! Finally there's a turnoff and some climbing to do. Relief at last! We get through another ridge and back onto the road. More pain for me! I can't believe that I'm looking to hills for relief....we pass a few riders we haven't seen yet, and turnoff for the last 8k's which is closer to 9...
By now we're pretty rooted. It's been a long time in the saddle and we're both starting to lose co-ordination. Way too easy to fall off on stupid shit. We have our last gel and start to get some pace back again...Nearly there!
Just about lose it through a patch of sand at Peppers, same again on some little rocks, and then there it is. The Finish! Yay!!!!!
We cross the line together and elated, mark grabs a few pics, people clap and cheer, and we're NOT LAST!!!!!!
Time for beer, and Mark has it cold and ready. Legend.
Stay tuned for more details.....
Here's the run-down from my point of view (which may or may not be entirely correct depending on who you are!)
Wake up (very slowly). Remove hand discreetly from myself, wonder why I'm awake this early on a Sunday, and remember the nightmare I've gotten myself into (with the help of a certain someone who happens to think I of all people conned her into being here....as if), shower, eat a little, get out of hotel, go for little drive, piss-fart around in carpark of winery trying to get bikes/packs/minds ready for who knows how many hours of hurt. See Ando, laughing at us (on the inside), attempt to jump the starting proceedings like a dickhead, hurry up and wait. Race starts. Oh dear.......what am i doing here?
So off we go up this big hill and already it's obvious that we're probably fitter than some of the dudes here. There's a lot of people struggling and we're just happy to stay behind at this stage because there's some downhill soon that we're not keen on getting run into by others just yet.
Not long after I have my first stack which was really stupid and hurt quite a bit. But I'm so tuff i keep going... Rock!!! Hit my left-knee though which isn't good 'cos i stacked on it at Daisy a few weeks ago. Grrr arrr. And I twisted my right ankle a bit which initially was cool, but came back to haunt me later in the day. About 1 hr later I have another stack in which I attempted to pull a cool mono and fell onto my right side. WOTADIKHEAD! At least there were some people to see it....
Finally we arrive at our first checkpoint and Tam stacks in the shit they put up to try and make you stack in front of people who are official looking. I laugh my guts out while concerned on-lookers try and help. As if....
Bloody hell. The Razorback climb is killer. We do fairly well, riding past a few that are walking then stop for a Gel. Then we walk, then ride and start to get our pace again. First stage was long, but looks like this one will come up in no time. We keep passing the friendly group of riders we've been talking too whenever there's a hill (up) or flat. Thankfully Tam has been kind and hasn't embarrassed me yet. The mighty quads have yet to unleash their fury....But they will
10k's to second checkpoint and we get some fast bitumen downhill with some nice twisty's. Sweet. I resolve to not touch the brakes and get a new top speed of 74km/h. Not bad. Big steep straight bit at the end onto gravel with SES people waving at me to slow down... Not a chance. It's too much fun....
Tam catches up at the bottom and we're onto some flat bitumen for a while. I initially think this is good until I realize that the mighty quads are about to teach me a lesson. Oh dear. So far I've been Ok on the ascents, but this pace on an MTB with a 2.35" front is ridiculous! I fear for my well-being as I try to keep pace but I eventually cry and Tam slows down (only a little though). Bitch.
Checkpoint 2 comes and goes with Mark the legend providing refreshment, ego massage, bike adjustment and food. Top stuff!
Off toward the Duff farm and up until this point I feel fine. Not long after though,the punishment I've just been dished on the highway starts to hurt. Not good. Time for more Gel and blue. Ah, that's better! We continue through what I think is the 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' stage and get to more hills which hurt more and more. Thankfully the mighty quads are feeling it too. We eventually get to checkpoint 3 and feel a sigh of relief as we realize we're nearly there. Not yet though.
The mighty quads have revived and start to cause me more pain on the road again. It's only a short stretch, but it's a constant struggle to keep pace. GRRRRARRRR! Finally there's a turnoff and some climbing to do. Relief at last! We get through another ridge and back onto the road. More pain for me! I can't believe that I'm looking to hills for relief....we pass a few riders we haven't seen yet, and turnoff for the last 8k's which is closer to 9...
By now we're pretty rooted. It's been a long time in the saddle and we're both starting to lose co-ordination. Way too easy to fall off on stupid shit. We have our last gel and start to get some pace back again...Nearly there!
Just about lose it through a patch of sand at Peppers, same again on some little rocks, and then there it is. The Finish! Yay!!!!!
We cross the line together and elated, mark grabs a few pics, people clap and cheer, and we're NOT LAST!!!!!!
Time for beer, and Mark has it cold and ready. Legend.
Stay tuned for more details.....
Awesome report dude! Mine is here if your fans want to read it! from Quadzilla.
Tamyka Bell, at 12:37 PM
Looking to hills for "relief"... you MUST have been low on blood sugar!! :D
Sounds like a cool race..
hippy, at 6:26 PM
I know it sounds sick, but the hills really were a relief from Tam's pace on the road!
Kurt Howard, at 3:27 PM
You make me sound fast, dude, that's great! So when do we beer?
Tamyka Bell, at 4:54 PM
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